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SPF Permanent Error: Two or more type TXT spf records found. Tema: SPF Permanent Error: Two or more type TXT spf records found. - Cajón de Sastre Foro: Cajón de Sastre

Registrado: 18-02-2008
Mensajes: 139
Votos: 0 👍

EnvíoAsunto: SPF Permanent Error: Two or more type TXT spf records found.

Error de rechazo del correo por la existencia de dos ficheros SPF. Es un problema grave, pues afecta a que no le lleguen correos a los usuarios.

XXXXXX does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 5.7.1 <>: Sender address rejected: QUEUE_ID="" SPF Reports: 'SPF Permanent Error: Two or more type TXT spf records found.'

Soluciones son dos:
- deshabilitar SPF (con lo que empezarán a fallar los correos por fata de SPF)
- arreglar el SPF

Si tomamos la segunda, esta herramienta puede ser util:

Te analiza el estado de tu SPF.

SPF records are primarily published in DNS as TXT records.

The TXT records found for your domain are:
v=spf1 a mx ip4:XX.XX.XX.XX ~all

v=spf1 ip4:XX.XX.XX.XX ip4:YY.YY.YY.YY a mx ?all

SPF records should also be published in DNS as type SPF records.
No type SPF records found.

Checking to see if there is a valid SPF record.

Results - Permanent Error Two or more type TXT spf records found.
No valid SPF record found of either type TXT or type SPF.

En este caso se elimina el segundo record y...
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