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Como instalar en Foro PHPbb la opcion suscribirme a Foro Tema: Como instalar en Foro PHPbb la opcion suscribirme a Foro - Portal DragonFlyCMS, CPGNuke Foro: Portal DragonFlyCMS, CPGNuke

Imagen: Aforo
Mensajes: 266
Votos: 0 👍

EnvíoAsunto: Re: Como instalar en Foro PHPbb la opcion suscribirme a Foro

Modificamos viewforum.php

Nos vamos al fichero: modules/Forums/viewforum.php

He marcado en rojo "(is_user() && $is_auth['auth_mod'])" porque si quisiesemos abrir la opcion atodos los usuarios, solo tendriamos que tocar aqui:. Sustituyendolo por (is_user())----- go to "End of forum prune" and add the next lines ---

Y detras de la funcion Prune añadimos:

// End of forum prune

if (is_user() && $is_auth['auth_mod']) {

$can_watch_forum = TRUE;
$sql = "SELECT notify_status
WHERE forum_id = $forum_id
AND user_id = ".$userdata['user_id'];
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

if ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) {
// user watching
if ( isset($_GET['unwatch']) ) {
if ( $_GET['unwatch'] == 'forum' ) {
// user tring to "unwatch"
$sql_priority = (SQL_LAYER == "mysql") ? "LOW_PRIORITY" : '';
$db->sql_query("DELETE $sql_priority FROM ".FORUMS_WATCH_TABLE."
WHERE forum_id = $forum_id
AND user_id...
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Instalar Plugins para URL amigables SH404SEF en Joomla Tema: Instalar Plugins para URL amigables SH404SEF en Joomla - Portales Joomla! Foro: Portales Joomla!

Imagen: Reempe
Mensajes: 164
Votos: 0 👍

EnvíoAsunto: Re: Instalar Plugins para SEF404 en Joomla

...PlugIn Installer
Written by GreyHead
Monday, 29 September 2008 15:25
This installer is for Joomla 1.0.x

I wrote a couple of PlugIns for sh404SEF (for Deep Pockets and for ChronoForms) and thought I'd post them at However, to do that they have to be installable with the standard Joomla installers (rather than just copy the sef_ext folder to the site). So I've written a PlugIn installer for sh404SEF. The 1.0 version is in beta, and the 1.5 version is an alpha release.

Download the Installer from the appropriate image link below and read more for instructions on using it.

It is very simple to use. Once you've written your PlugIn and/or Meta file for the 'comp123' component and are ready to publish it you copy the attached zip file and edit it. Note: the line numbers are a guide only and may differ between the 1.0 and 1.5 versions:

replace sef_ext/com_xxxxxx.php with your PlugIn file named e.g. com_comp123.php (If you don't have a PlugIn in this install leave the existing file but rename it to have the component name.)
replace meta_ext/com_xxxxxx.php with your PlugIn file named e.g. com_comp123.php (If you don't have a Meta file in...
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