Welcome to Soldier MU Online ,we are back with new mu online server,wich is based on premium EX702 mu online server files, there is aviable complete different feeling opposite to other servers. Game with Astonishing Entertainment. Soldier mu online is with well-considered gameplay and made to deliver best quality and stability.
Soldier mu online HIGH GrandOpening will be in this summer at (date will be soon) 14:00(GMT+2) . Till opening we will work hard on server, to make one of the best high rates mu online server. We wont tell you that our mu online server is best or there is no bugs, but we will give you an chance to see that by yourself. Trust us, soldier mu online TM is the best and always will be, and we are going to proof that to you, with our unique mu online server, wich is made by developers with more than 10 year experience. No wipes, long term mu online server.
In future we have plan to open 4 servers, LOW rate, MEDIUM rate, HIGH rate and EXTREME rate servers.
Eso sumado a que ahora en una búsqueda normal en la web te saca 4 filas de fotos, en vez de una, ha dejado fuera de combate a muchas web dedicadas a las galerías de fotos.
Un ejemplo es esta busqueda por la cadena "fotos de viajes":
El resultado obtenido es este:
Evidentemente Google images no deja ningun a la vista ningun otro resultado que no sean sus fotos (4 filas)... hay que mover el cursos para empezar a ver resultados organicos:
Pero no acaba ahi la cosa... el resultado de google images ahora se da dentro del propio Google images, sin necesidad de visitar la... Leer más ...
He hecho la búsqueda (con cms_bbtopic_icons porque con nuke_bbtopic_icons me daba error) y me devuelve todos los iconos que tengo disponibles, incluído el de prueba que no se visualiza en el foro.
Pego a continuación las líneas del documento viewforum.php donde creo que se hace referencia a los posticonos. Mis conocimientos en php son muy limitados y no sé localizar el supuesto error...
# TopicIcon_mod
#grab this topic's icon_id
$topic_icon_id = $topic_rowset[$i]['icon_id'];
$topic_icon_source = '<img width="20" src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" />';
#if we have an icon
if ($topic_icon_id != NULL && $topic_icon_id != 0) {
#create the path
$topic_icon_source = '<img src="'.$topic_icons[$topic_icon_id]['icon_url'].'" alt="'.$topic_icons[$topic_icon_id]['icon_name'].'" title="'.$topic_icons[$topic_icon_id]['icon_name'].'" align="middle" />';
# TopicIcon_mod end
...you can use these steps to quickly get started. For a more detailed explanation you should skip this and go to section 2 below.
Decompress the phpBB3 archive to a local directory on your system.
Upload all the files contained in this archive (retaining the directory structure) to a web accessible directory on your server or hosting account.
Change the permissions on config.php to be writable by all (666 or -rw-rw-rw- within your FTP Client)
Change the permissions on the following directories to be writable by all (777 or -rwxrwxrwx within your FTP Client):
store/, cache/, files/ and images/avatars/upload/.
Using your web browser visit the location you placed phpBB3 with the addition of install/index.php or pointing directly to install/, e.g. www.mydomain.com/phpBB3/install/, www.mydomain.com/forum/install/ etc.
Click the INSTALL tab, follow the steps and fill out all the requested information.
Change the permissions on config.php to be writable only by yourself (644 or -rw-r--r-- within your FTP Client)
phpBB3 should now be available, please MAKE SURE you read at least Section 6 below for important, security related post-installation instructions.
If... Leer más ...
Por tanto eres tú el que no permites que Google indexe las imagenes. Elimina la linea marcada en negro en tu servidor y Google indexara esas imágenes (o al menos tendrá la posibilidad).
Para personalizar el logo que trae el foro Mybb solo tienes que cambiar el que viene por defecto por el tuyo, está localizado en www.dominio.com/ ...s/logo.gif. La plantilla que trae por defecto los foros Mybb es "Default"; desde el Panel de Administración se puede cambiar el directorio de imagenes y el nombre del logo asociado a la plantilla.
Panel de Administración-Plantillas y Estilos-Editar Estilo
La sentencia incluida en el fichero robots.txt para el robot de Google es demasiado restrictiva, ya que prohibe el indexado de todas las imagenes de un sitio en Google.
User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Disallow: /
Si es normal que se limite a los buscadores el indexado de terminadas imagenes no relevantes en una web como: avatares, emoticones, iconos, etc. Estas imagenes suelen estar en el directorio "images" y se podría poner en el fichero robots.txt una limitación similar a la de cualquier otro directorio.
sh404SEF PlugIn Installer
Written by GreyHead
Monday, 29 September 2008 15:25
This installer is for Joomla 1.0.x
I wrote a couple of PlugIns for sh404SEF (for Deep Pockets and for ChronoForms) and thought I'd post them at Joomla.org. However, to do that they have to be installable with the standard Joomla installers (rather than just copy the sef_ext folder to the site). So I've written a PlugIn installer for sh404SEF. The 1.0 version is in beta, and the 1.5 version is an alpha release.
Download the Installer from the appropriate image link below and read more for instructions on using it.
It is very simple to use. Once you've written your PlugIn and/or Meta file for the 'comp123' component and are ready to publish it you copy the attached zip file and edit it. Note: the line numbers are a guide only and may differ between the 1.0 and 1.5 versions:
replace sef_ext/com_xxxxxx.php with your PlugIn file named e.g. com_comp123.php (If you don't have a PlugIn in this install leave the existing file but rename it to have the component name.)
replace meta_ext/com_xxxxxx.php with your PlugIn file named e.g... Leer más ...