Chaos Machine Rates:
Item Mix to +10 = 65%
Item Mix to +11 = 60%
Item Mix to +12 = 55%
Item Mix to +13 = 50%
Item Mix to +14 = 45%
Item Mix to +15 = 40%
(Success rate to on for item with Luck add +20%)
380 & 400lvl Items:
Can only be hunted from monsters level 130 and to wear them need required 380/400 level
Party Exp HARD Server x50:
--- Normal Party ---
2 Characters: x100
3 Characters: x150
4 Characters: x200
5 Characters: x250
--- Bonus Party ---
Bronze Party (3 different characters classes): x175
Silver Party (4 different characters classes): x230
Gold Party (5 different characters classes): x300
...points * resets and SM/ELF/BK/SUM - 600 free points * resets)
Grand Reset from: 50 resets (5k Free Points * GR and bonus +1000 Free Credits each GR)
Grand Reset price: 200kk * GR
Dynamic Exp System:
Reset 1-5 = x80
Reset 5-10 = x70
Reset 10-20 = x60
Reset 20-30 = x50
Reset 30-40 = x40
Reset 40-50 = x30
Chaos Machine Rates:
Item Mix to +10 = 65%
Item Mix to +11 = 60%
Item Mix to +12 = 55%
Item Mix to +13 = 50%
Item Mix to +14 = 45%
Item Mix to +15 = 40%
(Success rate to on for item with Luck add +20%)
Wings Creation Rates:
3lvl Wings - 30%
2lvl Wings - 80%
Feather of Condor: 70%
Additional Info:
Market System
Item Shop
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Vote Reward System (vote every 12h and get free credits)
Exchange Online hours to credits
Exchange wCoins