BlessMU X50 Grand Opening 9 August 🥇 Foros Webmasters ✈️

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BlessMU x50 Grand Opening 9 August Tema: BlessMU x50 Grand Opening 9 August - Juegos Online - Game Server Foro: Juegos Online - Game Server

Imagen: Muonlinelifes
Mensajes: 11
Votos: 0 👍

EnvíoAsunto: BlessMU x50 Grand Opening 9 August

BlessMU is going to open 3 different worlds - HARD, LOW and MEDIUM servers !
First HARD server will be opened in 9.August and only then other server opening date will be announced !


HARD Server x50 Server Grand Opening 9.AUGUST !

Opening Time - 19:00 (+2 GMT) !

MEDIUM Server Info:
Exp: x50 | Master Exp: x5 | Drop: x20 (Dynamic EXP (more info: HERE))
Max Level: 400
Max Master Level: 200
Max Stats: 32767
Points Per Level: 5 / 6 / 7
Post Command Cost: 100'000
Character creation level: SUM - 1, MG - 220, DL/RF - 250

/add stats (/addene, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addcmd)
/requests off|on
/setparty pw (set AutoParty with password)
/prop & /teleport wife|hushand (more info: HERE)
/post command cost 100k
/pkclear in-game cost 10kk * PK Count (at website for 100kk it clears ALL PK Count)

Chaos Machine Rates:
Item Mix to +10 = 65%
Item Mix to +11 = 60%
Item Mix to +12 = 55%
Item Mix to +13 = 50%
Item Mix to +14 = 45%
Item Mix to +15 = 40%
(Success rate to on for item with Luck add +20%)

Wings Creation Rates:
3lvl Wings...
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