Instalar Plugins para URL amigables SH404SEF en Joomla 🥇 Foro Portales Joomla! 🥇 p40 🗺️

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EnlacesAsunto: Instalar Plugins para URL amigables SH404SEF en Joomla

Hola chicos,

Estoy instalando un plugin para el componente SEF404 de Joomla (para URL amigables en los enlaces de Joomla) para que gestione el componente Eventslist de forma optimizada pero no consigo que funcione. Alguien conoce este componente seo (sef404) del Joomla.


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EnlacesAsunto: Re: Instalar Plugins para SEF404 en Joomla

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Yo soy de Dragonfly... Guiño

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EnlacesAsunto: Re: Instalar Plugins para SEF404 en Joomla

Perseo, el componente SEF404 para Joomla es un excelente optimizador de direcciones web. Por defecto viene equipado para soportar la optimización de una serie de componentes:


El plugin para Eventlist es de terceras partes y según la página oficial es compatible para versión 0.9.x de Evenlist/1.0x de sh404sef. La última versión disponible de Evenlist es la 1.0.x

¿que versiones de SEF404 y Eventlist estas usando?

reempe Guiño
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EnlacesAsunto: Re: Instalar Plugins para SEF404 en Joomla

Utilizo joomla 1.5.7 junto con la versión 1.0.11 de sh404sef y la versión beta 1.0 del plugin eventlist. He instalado el plugin copiandolo directamente a las carpetas joomla siguiendo las intrucciones del archivo readme.txt que trae este plugin.

Saludos desde el Olimpo
Ir arriba Perseo

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EnlacesAsunto: Re: Instalar Plugins para SEF404 en Joomla

Perseo, los plugins del componente [url=http://]sh404Sef[/url] recomiendan instalarlos de forma automática desde la administración de Joomla. En la siguiente dirección puedes encontrar un instalador de plugins para sh404sef (tienes que personalizar la instalación de cada plugin editando los archivos con el nombre correspondiente ej. "com_eventlist.php").


Sh404SEF PlugIn Installer
Written by GreyHead
Monday, 29 September 2008 15:25
This installer is for Joomla 1.0.x

I wrote a couple of PlugIns for sh404SEF (for Deep Pockets and for ChronoForms) and thought I'd post them at However, to do that they have to be installable with the standard Joomla installers (rather than just copy the sef_ext folder to the site). So I've written a PlugIn installer for sh404SEF. The 1.0 version is in beta, and the 1.5 version is an alpha release.

Download the Installer from the appropriate image link below and read more for instructions on using it.

It is very simple to use. Once you've written your PlugIn and/or Meta file for the 'comp123' component and are ready to publish it you copy the attached zip file and edit it. Note: the line numbers are a guide only and may differ between the 1.0 and 1.5 versions:

Replace sef_ext/com_xxxxxx.php with your PlugIn file named e.g. Com_comp123.php (If you don't have a PlugIn in this install leave the existing file but rename it to have the component name.)
Replace meta_ext/com_xxxxxx.php with your PlugIn file named e.g. Com_comp123.php (If you don't have a Meta file in this install leave the existing file but rename it to have the component name.)
Edit lines 15 & 16 in install.sef_ext_xxxxxx.php to have the component name e.g. 'comp123' and title e.g. 'Component 123'
Edit line 17 in install.sef_ext_xxxxxx.php if necessary to set the array values to 'false' if you do not want sef or meta installed. The installer will then skip these files.
Edit sef_ext_xxxxxx.xml and change the file names replacing xxxxxx with the component name (this must be the same as is in the component folder name)
Rename the various files by replacing 'xxxxxx' with the component name e.g. 'comp123'.
Test your modified installer package.
This sounds much more complicated than it actually is, making the changes takes just a couple of minutes.

When you upload and install the PlugIn installer it will look to make sure that the 'comp123' component exists; create an sef_ext folder if necessary; rename any existing sef_ext/com_comp123.php file and copy the new one into the folder.

Once the installer has run successfully it is no longer needed and can be safely uninstalled.

Note:The installer must include both sef_ext/com_xxxxxx.php and meta_ext/com_xxxxxx.php files, if one of them isn't used then simply include an empty file with that name.

Recuerda también que el componente Sh404sef puede funcionar de 2 modos diferentes: utilizando htaccess o sin él (lo puedes configurar en el menú componente-sh404sef-configuración-opciones avanzadas).

Espero que te sirva de ayuda para realizar pruebas

reempe Guiño
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