X50 🥇 Foro Juegos Online - Game Server 🗺️

Tema: JewelMU | S6 E3 | 3 Worlds - x50, x500, x5000 - Grand OPENIN

Foro de Juegos Online - Game Server Foro de Juegos Online - Game Server: Juegos online, game server y aplicaciones para jugar en internet. Juegos de roll, juegos de guerra, controlar el mundo, etc
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Imagen: Newstile
Mensajes: 16

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EnlacesAsunto: x50

OPENING in 3 days !

JewelMU FULL CLIENT is added/available now @ Downloads ! Download our Client here: jewelmu.com/downloads
Ir arriba Newstile

Imagen: Newstile
Mensajes: 16

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EnlacesAsunto: JewelMU | S6 E3 | 3 Worlds - x50, x500, x5000 - Grand OPENIN

[CENTER] JewelMU offer you to play in LOW / MEDIUM / HIGH server, with interesting and exciting gameplay,
Where zen drop is balanced, all classes are balanced, with fully working events !
We have been working with these server files for a very long time, to make one of the best gameplay
You have ever seen, with nice leveling roads, where monster/bosses strenght is good configured and
Where zen, jewels and excellent items has value !

Also we offer to you Client with Anti-Hack System and
Unique Premium DMN CMS Web Engine,
Which includes unique features like online hours to credits, change class, clear skill tree and more...

Server is hosted in France, in one of the biggest data center in the World with DDOS protection, so we offer to you 24/7 stable
Online and playing without lags and disconnect, Join Us NOW !

JewelMU Server openings:

LOW (x50) opening: September 16, 2016 - 20:00 (GMT+2)
MEDIUM (x500) opening: October 7, 2016 - 20:00 (GMT+2)
HIGH (x5000) opening: October 28, 2016 - 20:00 (GMT+2)

- Homepage: jewelmu.com
Ir arriba Newstile
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Página 1 de 1 - Tema con 2 Mensajes y 10474 Lecturas - Última modificación: 13/09/2016

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